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"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth,"

2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)


"This is the brand-new covenant that I will make with Israel when the time comes. I will put my law within them - write it on their hearts - and be their God. And they will be my people."

Jeremiah 31:33 MSG


Overlapping Triangles

"V  I  S  I  O  N"

"Engraving the Word of God on the hearts of God’s people"




"M  I  S  S  I  O  N    S  T  A  T  E  M  E  N  T"

Encouraging members to read more, know God more perfectly,

and experience life at supernatural levels"

Unique, One of its Kind
ROH Diamond Book Club was birthed to offer support to new and existing authors (unbreakable/unconquerable gems) who are sharing their stories for the glory of God or wrote inspiring Christian-based books for reader's enrichment.
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ROH Diamond Book Club is an intimate setting for members to collaborate virtually, building and deepening relationships through shared learning.  Members who have a common goal: enhancing their reading, study, and meditation skills for their spiritual growth.


ROH Diamond Book Club offers an optional monthly reading journey with the founder and other like-minded readers for an electrifying "Let's Talk About It" gathering with the featured author.


ROH Diamond Book Club encourages members to read the Holy Bible along with the Author's featured book to bring clarity and revelation of scriptures referenced in the author's book. The Holy Bible serves as our Road Map to a better life.


ROH Diamond Book Club believes many will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the written words of the author's testimony.


ROH Diamond Book Club's members are not required to purchase a book or eBook each month to be a member. As a member, you are committing to attend at least 6 "Meet the Author in the Chat Room" gatherings and you are required to take at least 1 reading journey per calendar year.


ROH Diamond Book Club's guests are welcomed to attend the monthly "Meet the Author in the Chat Room" gatherings to get highlights of the author's story before ordering the book.

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  •  a free platform to promote their books and prepare new authors for potential book interviews, tours and/or speaking engagements. This platform will serve as an iron sharpener!


  • to meet and collaborate with their readers and/or potential readers during their scheduled month. A safe intimate setting awarding you the opportunity to change the course of someone's life.


  • to engage in wholesome "Let's Talk About It" gatherings to highlight the inspiration, passion, and life lessons behind the writing of their stories. Private sessions upon request. (For club members only).


  • Free advertisement: Authors will be featured on the ROHM website (under the "Diamond Book Club" Featured Author's Page), with a link that will take the viewers to their personal website or Facebook page.




  • to meet and interact with featured Authors nationwide in the Diamond Book Club "chat room" where we engage in wholesome "Let's Talk About It" gatherings highlighting events in their featured book.


  • to take a monthly reading journey with like-minded brothers and sisters leading up to the ROH - Diamond Book Club gatherings hosted on the 4th Saturday of each month. (Choose the journey you take).​


  • an invitation to submit questions to pertaining to the author's featured book by the designated date provided


  • a private session with the featured author by appointment only. (If you are experiencing a challenge parallel to the author's story, you can request a private session).​


  • their reading skills and study habits to increase. If you commit to the journey, you will exceed your expectation.


  • to be empowered by God's message of hope that the authors will share as they talk about their featured book.


  • the gathering to be fun, inviting, inspiring, motivating, informative, empowering, and life-changing; an experience like no other!

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